Hello and welcome to my first “Carmody’s Corner” blog post at lauriecarmody.com!
I value your time, and want you to leave my site feeling inspired, encouraged, and informed. To do just that, I offer you -
1) This blog, and 2) My newsletter, The PB&Me.
The “Carmody’s Corner” Blog
If you’re looking for a deep dive into kidlit (children’s literature), you’re in the right place. I have a background in instructional design, which means that I love learning about complex topics and then distilling them to help people learn, inspire conversation, and grow. I’m hoping to do that here and leave you with valuable articles, guides, reviews, and resources. These blog posts might take up to 15 minutes to read.
The “PB&Me” Newsletter
For a shorter, closer to the surface “snorkel” experience, check out my monthly newsletter, The PB&Me. The format is inspired by James Clear, author of Atomic Habits. Each one will be set up exactly the same, take less than 5 minutes to read, and focus on tapping and building up our creative selves-
P - What are 3 People out there in the world saying to inspire creativity?
B - What 2 Books are doing things in vibrant, creative ways?
& Me - What is one thing from Me to think about?
This is an exciting process, but I admit that it is scary to do something new. As research professional, speaker, and author Brené Brown says, “vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change.” So, with that in mind…
Let’s get started!